Concern over bid to disrupt election

COLOMBO: The Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) has expressed its deep concern about the recent attempts by state authorities to disrupt the Local Government Elections, scheduled to be held on March 9.

In a press release, the BASL stressed that elections must not be hindered as they are a vital part of Sri Lanka’s democratic process.

The association said it is of the view that attempts to interfere with the electoral process must not only be defeated but all those responsible for such interference must be dealt with in accordance with the law.

Calling on the government and all state officials to respect the Constitution and the law, and to ensure that the Local Government Elections are as scheduled without any further attempts to disrupt or interfere with the process, the BASL noted that it is the “sacred duty” of the government to make sure that funds are provided for conducting the elections.

Recalling several decisions taken by the government in recent weeks, purportedly aimed at managing public funds, have had the effect of preventing the Election Commission from conducting the polls, the BASL said these include a demand by the Government Printer for the release of funds prior to the printing of ballot papers and the Treasury Secretary claiming that there are no funds available for the elections. “This is despite a budget allocation of Rs. 10 billion for the purpose of elections.”

The association, calling the conduct of the Treasury Secretary, the Government Printer and other government officials and institutions over the last few weeks a clear demonstration of a “concerted effort to bring the elections to a halt”, the BASL said this undermines the franchise of the people and endangers the sovereignty of the people of Sri Lanka.