Trump fires Secretary of Defense Mark Esper

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump fired Defense Secretary Monday days after his election loss to Joe Biden and following a series of clashes between Esper and Trump over the withdrawal of U.S. forces from key bases abroad, using active-duty troops to quell domestic protests and banning Confederate emblems from military installations.

Esper, 56, had been serving as Army secretary when Trump chose him in July 2019 to replace Patrick Shanahan who had resigned as acting Defense chief after USA TODAY reported about his tumultous personal life.

Trump made the announcement on Twitter.

“Mark Esper has been terminated,” Trump tweeted. “I would like to thank him for his service.”

He named Christopher Miller, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center as acting Defense secretary.

The tweet was a sign that Trump plans to be active for the next two-and-a-half months, even as he contests the election.

That includes personnel moves. Trump is considering dismissing FBI Director Christopher Wray, aides said; they also expect CIA Director Gina Haspel to depart.