Sri Lanka urged to safeguard judicial independence

The Core Group on Sri Lanka at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) urged the government to ensure that transitional justice mechanisms are independent, inclusive, impartial, transparent and meet the expectations of affected communities.

The UK’s Human Rights Ambassador, Rita French, delivered the Sri Lanka Core Group statement at the UNHRC in Geneva on behalf of Canada, Malawi, Montenegro, North Macedonia, the United Kingdom, and the US.

Thanking the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, for his recent report on accountability for enforced disappearances in Sri Lanka, the Core Group claimed it highlights longstanding impunity for human rights violations.

“We call on the government to engage with its recommendations to address the suffering caused by enforced disappearances and its impact on all communities.”

The Core Group said it is crucial that any new legislation developed and implemented by Sri Lanka, including legislation relating to counter-terrorism and online safety, fulfils its human rights obligations, including protecting freedom of expression for all.

“We stress the need to safeguard judicial independence and the independence and transparency of the country’s legal institutions,” the statement said.

While welcoming the release of land from the High-Security zone in Jaffna, the Core Group said it remains concerned by ongoing reports of tensions related to land seizures in the north and east of Sri Lanka and by reports of arbitrary arrests, irregular searches, and ill-treatment in detention during police operations.

“We urge the government to ensure that transitional justice mechanisms are independent, inclusive, impartial, transparent, and meet the expectations of affected communities.”