Training program for media professionals

Dr MCR HRD Institute rolled out a “Two-week Training Program on Media Management for Journalists and Media Professionals from Sri Lanka.”
The program, which has been sponsored by Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, under Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Program, is being attended by 30 top-ranking journalists, including Media Advisor to Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Media Secretaries to Ministry of Public Administration, Central Province Governor, and Deputy Speaker, Parliament, and others.
Dr Shashank Goel, IAS, DG of the Institute & Spl. Chief Secretary to Government of Telangana, who was the Chief Guest at the Inaugural Function, said that the Media Professionals play a pivotal role, serve as the voice of people, facilitate informed decision making, and promote transparency in governance. “Journalism and Media Relations are not merely professions; they are indispensable pillars of the democratic societies”, Dr Shashank Goel, IAS observed.
Dr Shashank Goel, IAS stated that the emergence of Social Media, with its amazing speed and unprecedented access to global audience, has transformed the media landscape, across the globe, and brought about a profound transformation in the world of media.