Prime minister to deliver budget speech on Tuesday

COLOMBO: Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mahinda Rajapaksa will present the second reading of the Appropriation Bill for 2021 in Parliament on Tuesday.

Following the publication of the 2021 Appropriation Bill in the Gazette on 06 th October, it was presented to Parliament by Prime Minister Rajapaksa on Oct. 20 for the first reading.

Parliament Secretary General Dhammika Dasanayake said the prime minister is due to present the second reading of 2021 Appropriation Bill (budget speech) in Parliament on Tuesday 1.40 p.m.

The prime minister will then make the budget speech and it is considered as the 75th budget report of the country.

The Appropriation Bill is presented to allocate Rs. 2,678 billion for the service expenditure and according to the Bill, limit on borrowings for the financial year 2021 has been set at Rs. 2,900 billion.

The second reading debate of the budget will be held from Nov. 18 to Nov. 21 following the presentation of the budget speech by the prime minister.

The vote on the second reading will be taken place on Nov. 21 at 5 p.m. Parliament sittings will be held from Nov. 18 to 20 from 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

The debate of the Committee Stage will commence on Nov. 23 and is scheduled to conclude on Dec. 10. Accordingly, the vote will be held at 5 p.m. on Dec. 10.

The secretary-general said that arrangements have been made to hold sittings of Parliament in accordance with all health guidelines and regulations during the entire period of the budget debate from Nov. 17.

Only Ambassadors and officials authorized by the Ministry of Finance are invited, and seats reserved in the Speaker’s Gallery during the budget presentation will be subjected to health and safety regulations.

Meanwhile, the public gallery and the media gallery will remain closed.

Following the budget speech, traditional tea party hosted by the minister of finance will be held this year but it will be limited to members of parliament, ministers, ambassadors and invitees.

Due to the prevailing COVID-19 situations, MPs will not be able to bring guests to Parliament during the budget debate.