‘Unnecessary maintenance of Pradeshiya Sabha members has become a problem’

COLOMBO: Unnecessary maintenance of Pradeshiya Sabha members has become a problem, the Parliamentary Consultative Committee on Local government and Provincial Councils was told.

Minister Janaka Bandara Tennakoon said that steps will be taken to remove the shortcomings of the local authorities election system.

A system will be implemented immediately to pay pensions on time, Minister Janaka Bandara Tennakoon said at the committee meeting.

He was responding to a question raised by Parliamentarian Chandima Weerakkody at a meeting of the committee.

The committee directed the Department of Pensions to collect data on the number of public servants retiring within a month.

The need to review facts affecting the loss of pensions was also discussed at the Committee meeting.

The committee also focused on the reinstatement of officers retiring from the public service.

State Minister Rear Admiral ( Rtd ) Sarath Weerasekera informed the committee that the prime minister has been consulted regarding the holding of the Provincial Council election

The prime minister has been consulted on whether the election would be held on the basis of proportional representation or mixed proportional representation.

Minister Janaka Bandara Tennakoon stated that steps will be taken to complete the delimitation process expeditiously and that a separate commission will be set up under the 20th Amendment to the constitution.

The committee discussed the issue of appointing members to local authorities on constituency basis and was of the view that the new electoral system should also be reviewed.

Unnecessary maintenance of Pradeshiya Sabha members has become a problem.

Minister Janaka Bandara Tennakoon said that steps will be taken to remove
the shortcomings of the local authorities election system.

The minister also said that discussions are being held to give the opportunity to government officials to enter the local authorities system.

MP Shantha Bandara raised the need to fill the teacher vacancies in provincial schools.

Parliamentarian Diana Gamage said that it would be effective if appointments were made in the areas where the relevant graduates live while filling teacher vacancies.

Considering the appeals of the graduates who lost their appointments due to their membership in the Employees Provident Fund( EPF) and Employees Trust Fund (ETF) have been concluded and the appointments will be made soon, the Secretary to the Ministry of Public Services, Provincial Councils and Local Government J . J. Ratnasiri said in response to a question raised by the Committee.

The secretary also pointed out that the delay in awarding degree certificates of University of Kelaniya is a problem in granting appointments to other graduates as well.

The secretary said that attention has been drawn to confirm 14,500 graduate appointments given by the previous regime.

Parliamentarian Madura Vithanage said that vacancies in Local Government Authorities should be filled up expeditiously.

The need to recruit internal auditors for these authorities was also discussed.

It was also revealed that proposals have been made to establish 83 new Local
Government Authorities and District Committees have also been appointed for this purpose.

Over 30 Ministers and MPs as well as government officials were present at the meeting.