War fears … India ‘under pressure from domestic anti-China sentiment’

China and India — which already have engaged in their bloodiest clash in decades — could unintentionally slide into war, according to experts cited by The Associated Press (AP).

“The situation is very dangerous on the ground and can spiral out of control,” Lt. Gen. D.S. Hooda, who was head of the Indian military’s Northern Command from 2014 to 2016, was quoted as saying by AP.

“A lot will depend on whether the two sides are able to control the volatile situation and make sure it doesn’t spread to other areas.”

The two Asian giants have held several rounds of talks, mainly involving military commanders, without success, according to the AP report.

According to the report, Hooda also said that while he does not think either side is looking for full-scale war, the “real calamity” is the breakdown of existing agreements and protocols.

Wang Lian, a professor of international relations at Peking University in Beijing, said the possibility of open warfare is unlikely because both sides have shown restraint in recent encounters.

But he also said that New Delhi is under pressure from domestic anti-China sentiment and has been emboldened by tougher US measures against Beijing, AP reported.

“I don’t think (India) would go so far as to escalate military conflict of a larger scale, but I believe both sides are making some preparations,” Wang said in the AP report.

According to the report, defense analyst Rahul Bedi said that India changed the rules of engagement along the border following the deadly June clash.

He said local commanders had been given “freedom to initiate adequate and proportionate responses to any hostile acts” by Chinese troops.