Yemen: Deadly blast as new government arrives at Aden airport

Loud blasts and gunfire were heard at Aden’s airport shortly after a plane carrying the newly-formed Yemeni government arrived from Saudi Arabia on Wednesday. At least 10 people have been killed and dozens injured.


Explosion at an Aden airportThe blast happened shortly after the plane carrying the newly-formed internationally-recognized Yemeni government touched down


At least 10 people have been killed and dozens more were wounded in an attack on Aden airport, according to news agency AFP, citing medical sources.

The incident happened shortly after a plane carrying the newly-formed internationally recognized Yemeni governmentarrived from Saudi Arabia.


Loud blasts and gunfire were heard at the airport shortly after the plane arrived at the airport serving Yemen’s temporary capital, witnesses said.

Dust from an explosion is strewn across an airport, in front of an airport buildingExplosions took place at Aden airport on Wednesday as the new unity government arrived by plane from Saudi Arabia

Cabinet members safe

Members of the new Cabinet were transferred safely to the city’s presidential palace, witnesses and Saudi media said.

Those transferred to safety included Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik, as well as Saudi Ambassador to Yemen Mohammed Said al-Jaber, according to reports in Saudi media.

“We and the members of the government are in the temporary capital of Aden and everyone is fine,” Maeen tweeted from Maasheq palace. “The cowardly terrorist act that targeted Aden airport is part of the war that is being waged against the Yemeni state and its great people.”

Yemeni crowds welcome the new Yemeni unity cabinet members who are disembarking their planeCabinet ministers were taken to safety, following the blast

What is happening in Yemen?

Yemen’s internationally-recognized government and southern separatists formed a new power-sharing cabinet on December 18. They arrived in Aden days after being sworn in Saudi Arabia.

The government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, based in the southern port of Aden, and the separatists are allies within a Saudi-backed coalition.

The coalition is at war against the Iran-aligned Houthis,who have controlled the northern capital Sanaa since 2014.