Army Commander Gen. Shavendra Silva praises US President Biden

COLOMBO: Gen. Shavendra Silva, chief of defense staff and commander of the army, has congratulated US President Joe Biden.

The army chief said on Twitter: “I express my heartiest congratulations on your acceding to the highest cachet in the world. The accolade for an arduous and inspirational life as a leader deserves nothing lesser than what you’ve got today. May your epoch be a nourishing watershed to the entire world.”

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa sent a congratulatory message to President Biden earlier.

In his message, President Rajapaksa said: “The people of the US have given you a clear and resounding mandate to lead the nation at a challenging time. The government and the people of Sri Lanka join me in conveying to you and to the people of the United State of America our warmest greeting on this momentous and joyful occasion.

“Sri Lanka and the US enjoy long standing relations and a close friendship.

“Sri Lanka, under my leadership, based on the mandate from my people, is committed to further strengthen and consolidate this multifaceted partnership with the US, grounded in mutual respect, shared values and common interests.

“As you embark on this new journey amid unprecedented challenges for the whole of humanity in the face of the COVID pandemic, I am confident that your vision. Long years of public service and astute statesmanship will stand in good stead for greater progress and prosperity for the people of the US and in ensuring peace, development and stability across the globe.

“Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration and best wishes for your good health, happiness and personal wellbeing,” the Sri Lankan president added.