Police warns on Valentine’s day message scams targeting Sri Lankans

The Police have warned the youth of Sri Lanka to be vigilant of financial scams carried out via text, social media, and email in view of Valentine’s Day, marked today.

Police Spokesman Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) Ajith Rohana said information has been received on attempts to defraud people via text messages, email and social media.

“Messages via text, social media or email maybe sent to unsuspecting youth that they have won a Valentine’s gift for their partner, and to deposit cash to obtain the gift. We request people to refrain from falling victim to such messages, as they are financial scams conducted by individuals involved in organized crimes,” he said.

DIG Ajith Rohana said the Police have received information on individuals planning such financial scams, and thus called on the public to refrain from becoming a victim of financial fraud.