Gazette allowing burial of Covid-19 victims tonight

The Minister of Health is expected to sign and publish tonight the gazette notification allowing the burial of bodies of Covid-19 victims.

Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa recently informed parliament that permission will be granted for the burial of COVID-19 victims.

In response to a question raised by MP S.M. Marikkar during the parliamentary session on February 10, PM Rajapaksa had noted that permission will be given to bury the victims of novel coronavirus.

Several months after the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic last year, the Sri Lankan government amended a law to make cremation compulsory for those who fall victim to the novel coronavirus with the intention of preventing any potential threat.

The Quarantine and Prevention of Diseases Ordinance (Chapter 222) was accordingly amended by an extraordinary gazette notification issued by Health Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi.

The decision sparked debate locally and internationally, as concerns were raised stressing that it is against the dictates of Muslim community’s faith.

Several world leaders and international organisations had also called on the Sri Lankan government to allow burial of Covid-19 victims and end forced cremation of victims.