Fonseka raps ‘political victimization’ commission’s recommendations 

COLOMBO: Opposition lawmaker Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka has criticized the recommendations of the presidential commission that probed political victimization.

“The president of this commission was called a mad person who does not understand the country and the justice system,” Fonseka said during a parliamentary debate.

He pointed out that the commission had recommended releasing certain individuals who have already been charged in court.

“There is a case where a group of schooling children were kidnapped and held for ransom,” he said.

“When such a case is being tried in court this mad commission has recommended that these people be acquitted.”

Fonseka argued that the commission has acted outside its mandate by providing recommendations on individuals who are not employees in the state sector, armed forces and the police.

“The commission has recommended that Nissanka Senadhipathi should be released. He is not a state sector employee,” the SJB MP said.

He pointed out that the Senadhipathi had engaged in illegal activities, that even caused losses to the government.

Opposition leader Sajith Premadasa said that the government is trying to destroy their political opponents through the report of the commission.

“I would like to make a request from the government not to make Sri Lanka a joke before the international community,” Premadasa noted.