Swift measures to control spread of COVID-19 in Sri Lanka urged

COLOMBO: The National People’s Power said that many countries including Sri Lanka that followed the “Trump Theory” in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic had failed.

The party said that many countries following neo-liberal economic policies have failed in controlling the pandemic.

“These countries take limited measures in controlling the spread of the pandemic while fully opening the country for business activities at the expense of people’s health,” the NPP said in a statement, cited by Daily News.

According to Daily News, it said that countries such as New Zealand and Australia that have given priority for the public health have succeeded in containing the spread of the virus amidst various obstacles.

The party urged the government to implement swift measures to control the spread of COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

“Everyone knew that vaccines would be available by the end of 2020, and many countries were on the waiting list to buy vaccines for their populations. The government is still to provide the second dose to the health workers,” they added.

The party noted that the COVID-19 pandemic has intensified for the third time in Sri Lanka.

More than 5,000 cases have been reported since April 19. Infections have been reported from several parts of the country, including Kurunegala, Gampaha, Colombo, Kalutara, Galle, Kandy and Moneragala.

The Health Ministry and the government are taking various measures in this regard.

The responsibility of the government is to ensure the protection of businesses as well as the people who contribute to such businesses. There is no need for a government to protect only businesses. Businessmen will do it themselves, they added, according to Daily News.

The spread of the virus is likely to continue to change in the future and it is not easy to make accurate predictions. It is not so good to have high expectations even about vaccines.