Cabinet must take over Sri Lanka’s COVID-19 management: former PM Wickremesinghe

Sri Lanka’s cabinet of ministers must be empowered to manage the COVID-19 crisis that has taken a dramatic turn for the worse in what has become a decisive juncture, former Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said.

In a video message released to the media on May 10, Wickremesinghe requested both President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and the cabinet to seek the support and input of opposition parties in parliament in this regard.

“If you don’t act now, many lives will be lost. If you have any sympathy for the public, the cabinet must take over. There is [a level of] experience there,” he said.

Wickremesinghe said the committee appointed to oversee the epidemic situation in the country has failed and the people have lost their confidence.

“We’re facing a serious situation today. Public health has taken a hit, and COVID-19 is spreading across the country. There is a shortage of vaccines, oxygen, ventilators and hospital beds. Every day, cases are increasing,” he said.

“We’re at a decisive juncture. If we don’t make decisions taking expert medical advice into account, we will be in trouble,” he said.

Quoting a study conducted by the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, the United National Party (UNP) leader warned that Sri Lanka may see over 100 deaths a day by June, July if the situation is allowed to escalate.

“We must all work together. This is not a battle to save face. It’s not a political fight. This is a fight to save lives,” he said.

“We’re not calling for a change in government. As per the constitution, the responsibility of this is with the cabinet. The president and the cabinet of ministers must accept all relevant powers,” he added.
