Imran Khan tells UN about ‘serious crimes against humanity in Kashmir’

Islamophobia rules India and threatens the nearly 200 million Muslims who live there, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan told the annual UN gathering of world leaders.

“They believe that India is exclusive to Hindus and others are not equal citizens,” he said in a prerecorded speech to the UN General Assembly, which is being held virtually amid the coronavirus pandemic.

According to The Associated Press, Imran Khan assailed India’s government and its moves to cement control of Kashmir, calling India a state sponsor of hatred and prejudice against Islam.

“The international community must investigate these grave violations and prosecute the Indian civil and military personnel involved in state terrorism and serious crimes against humanity,” Khan said.

Despite Khan’s outcry at the treatment of Muslims worldwide, Pakistan has not criticized China’s assault on its Muslim minority Uighur population, The Associated Press reported.

China has been accused of incarcerating tens of thousands of Uighurs in so-called reeducation camps aimed at indoctrinating them in China’s communist ideology.