Public Health Inspectors welcome quarantine curfew extension

COLOMBO: The Public Health Inspectors (PHI) Union commended the government’s decision to extend the quarantine curfew until Oct. 1.

“It is good that the Government decided to extend the quarantine curfew till October 1, as it will surely lead to a reduction in both the number of infected an deaths due to COVID 19,” said Upul Rohana, the president of PHI’s’ Union.

So far the quarantine curfew has been helpful in minimizing the deaths and the number of patients countrywide, he said.

“However, all senior citizens and the youth of this country should work and think as responsible countrymen to save our Motherland from this pandemic. Therefore, all eligible people have to get the vaccine without fail considering it as a national duty and responsibility,” he said.

“The latest medical surveys in western Countries have proved that vaccination has saved many people from the pandemic and Sri Lankans should not believe the rum