Prime minister highlights noble role of teachers

COLOMBO: Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa participated the World Teacher’s Day commemorating event organized by the Ministry of Education through video technology.

The ceremony also coincided with the issuance of service identity cards for the first time by the Ministry of Education to the teachers in Sri Lanka.

While congratulating the local teaching community on the World Teacher’s Day, the Prime Minister highlighted the following:

“The future of the world is being created and sharpen by the teachers. The noble role of teachers has been recognized by the world since ancient eras.

“The struggle to win rights of a profession has no boundaries, but the dignity of teaching profession must be protected at all times.

“Our government will never hesitate to give due professional recognition to the teachers committed to the profession.

The teachers have the prime responsibility and duty to get the COVID-19 affected children back in track soonest the possible.

May all the teachers have the strength and courage to enlighten the wisdom of our children.”