MP Imtiaz: ‘SJB agenda is open to anybody’

COLOMBO: Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) MP and former Media Minister Imtiaz Bakeer Marker, while addressing a meeting, highlighted that only Sajith Premadasa is capable to solve the people’s problems and certain elements are now trying to creating various issues inside the SJB.

He said there is no secret that everybody who endorsed the leadership of the former regime clearly knows that both leaders took certain important decisions inside their bungalows without considering the plight of ordinary people.

“Even certain people had to kneel and also bow down before the then leaders to make requests,” he said.

Bakeer Markar said certain people are trying to wipe out real leaders who can work for people and once again bring puppets as their leaders in order to fulfill their personal agendas.

He said the real leaders in the calibre of Sajith Premadasa knows the day today needs of people and also knows the pulse of them irrespective of their party policies.

He highlighted how Sajith Premadasa being the Opposition Leader feels the pathetic health situation in certain hospitals and distributing expensive medical equipment among hospitals to treat COVID-19 patients.

Bakeer Marker fsaid everybody knows that the SJB is a real democratic party, since it elects leaders or anybody to the party’s executive committee by holding annual conferences.

“The SJB has no any hidden agenda as our agenda is open to anybody,” he said.

He also recalled how the previous management forgot about the promises made by the late Ven.Maduluwawe Sobitha Thera as they ignored the instructions given by the late Thera after coming to power.

He said he remembers during their regime they selected ministers who were completely against the Party policies.

“Therefore people will never accept their leaderships once again as such leaders cannot be compared to the SJB leader Sajith Premadasa,” he said.

Baker Markar also expressed concern toward the cost of living in the country and said the present leaders have no proper plans to bring down the high prices of essential commodity items considering the pathetic living conditions of majority poor people.