Modi vows to repeal India farm laws

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi said his government will withdraw the controversial agriculture laws that prompted yearlong protests from tens of thousands of farmers and posed a significant political challenge to his administration, according to The Associated Press.

The decision is a major climbdown by Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party government, which enjoys a brute majority in Parliament but has been often accused by opposition leaders and constitutional experts of ramming through laws without enough consultation.

The decision also came ahead of key elections in states like Uttar Pradesh and Punjab, and on the day of the Guru Purab festival, when Sikhs, who made up most of the protesters, celebrate their founder Guru Nanak’s birthday.

Modi made the announcement during a televised speech that was broadcast live, a medium he has chosen over the years to make public some of his government’s landmark, sometimes contentious, decisions.

He urged the protesters to return home and said the constitutional process to repeal the laws will begin in December when Parliament sits for the winter session.

“While apologizing to the nation, I want to say with a sincere and pure heart that maybe something was lacking in our efforts that we could not explain the truth to some of our farmer brothers,” Modi said during the address.

He then went on to say: “Let us make a fresh start.”

The laws were passed in September last year and Modi’s party had refused to extend the debate despite repeated requests from the opposition.

For a year, the government defended the laws, saying they were necessary reforms to modernize India’s agricultural sector and boost production through private investment.

But the farmers protested, saying the legislation would devastate their earnings by ending guaranteed pricing and force them to sell their crops to corporations at cheaper prices.

The perceived threats to their income terrified farmers, who mostly work on a small scale: More than two-thirds of them own less than 1 hectare (2 1/2 acres) of land.

Clauses in the legislation also prevented farmers from resolving contract disputes in court, leaving them with no independent means of redress apart from government-appointed bureaucrats.

The protests escalated in November last year as farmers hunkered down on the outskirts of New Delhi, where they have camped out for nearly a year, including through a harsh winter and a coronavirus surge that devastated India earlier this year.

While the protests have been largely peaceful, demonstrators in January broke through police barricades to storm the historic Red Fort in the capital’s center.

Clashes with police left one protester dead and hundreds injured.

“At last, all of our hard work paid off. Thanks to all the farmer brothers and salute to the farmer brothers who were martyred in this battle,” said Rakesh Tikait, a prominent farmers’ leader.

Dozens of farmers died due to suicide, hostile weather conditions and COVID-19 during the demonstrations that have since drawn international support from rights campaigners and celebrities, including climate activist Greta Thunberg and US singer Rihanna.

At Ghazipur, one of the demonstration sites on the outskirts of New Delhi, celebrations were subdued even though some farmers distributed sweets and burst crackers.

Samyukt Kisan Morcha, the group of farm unions organizing the protests, said it welcomed the government’s announcement.

But it said the protests would continue until the government assures them guaranteed prices for certain essential crops — a system that was introduced in the 1960s to help India shore up its food reserves and prevent shortages.
Modi’s party welcomed the move, with some painting it a decision that prioritized the farmers.

Jagat Prakash Nadda, president of the ruling BJP, in a tweet said Modi “has again proved that he is committed to the welfare of farmers.”