Hong Kong bans flights from 8 countries including India

Asian financial hub Hong Kong banned flights from eight nations as part of strict new virus curbs, with Omicron outbreaks spiralling out of control from Europe to the US, AFP reported.

The new coronavirus variant is spreading rapidly across continents, leaving governments rushing to roll out vaccine boosters and bolster healthcare systems as infection numbers reach new highs.

Britain, the US, France and Australia have all announced record case numbers in recent days, while China has imposed lockdowns in two cities and rolled out mass testing for millions as it doubles down on its “zero Covid” policy ahead of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam said the city was shuttering bars and gyms and cancelling evening restaurant dining after Omicron was detected in the international business hub.

The restrictions are the latest economic blow to a city that has kept cases low but left residents cut off from the rest of the world with tight border controls.

Like mainland China, Hong Kong has maintained some of the world’s harshest controls — including weeks-long quarantine periods, targeted lockdowns and mass testing.

The city had recorded 114 Omicron cases as of Tuesday evening, with a small community outbreak traced to Cathay Pacific airline staff sparking the latest curbs.

Lam said health officials feared the strain was silently spreading within the community.

Flights from Australia, Canada, France, India, Pakistan, the Philippines, Britain and the United States will be banned for the next two weeks.

Hong Kong also ordered a cruise ship carrying 3,700 people back to port for testing after nine passengers were found to be close contacts of Omicron patients.

To the north in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou, 13 million residents were ordered to take Covid-19 tests Wednesday after just 11 Omicron cases were detected.

India is also bracing for a new surge, with 58,000 new cases confirmed on Tuesday, more than double the number recorded three days prior.

Several cities have imposed curfews and the capital New Delhi has ordered all residents outside of essential workers to stay home this weekend.

“There is no room for complacency,” V.K. Paul, a doctor working with the government on its coronavirus response, told a press conference..