Education, tourism, investment focus of Lanka-Korea talks

COLOMBO: South Korean Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun said he looked forward to continue to work with Sri Lanka to further strengthen bilateral relations.

His remarks came when he called Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa recently.

Two leaders discussed a number of areas of mutual bilateral interest while expressing the desire to further enhance relations between the two countries.

The two leaders discussed further technical assistance for the Ocean University, for which the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has already provided assistance.

“I hope we can continue to collaborate on this project to expand it,” Prime Minister Rajapaksa said.

Other areas discussed included investment and tourism. “When the situation [with the pandemic] improves and air travel is back to normal, I would like to request your support in encouraging your investors to consider investing in Sri Lanka.”

Prime Minister Rajapaksa said. “We also want to increase tourism from South Korea.”

Rajapaksa extended an invitation to Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun to visit Sri Lanka after the COVID-19 situation is under control.

The Korean prime minister said he had never visited Sri Lanka before, expressed interest in a visit.

Meanwhile, the Embassy of Sri Lanka in the Republic of Korea, in close coordination with the Sri Lankaramaya Temple in the city of Daegu, managed to convince top officials and the medical team of Gwanghye General Hospital in the city of Busan to gift over 100 medical beds, wheelchairs and other medically important material to be shipped to a select hospital in Sri Lanka.

Ambassador Dr. A. Saj U. Mendis, and Chief Incumbent of Sri Lankaramaya Temple, Most Venerable Katuwana Vijithawansha Thero, travelled to Gwanghye General Hospital in Busan, approximately 400 km from Seoul, to receive the medical beds, wheelchairs and other medical material/accessories from the Hospital in a ceremonial ambiance.