EU: Conducive environment vital for civil society

The European Union (EU) remains committed to supporting Sri Lanka in its process of economic recovery and advancing the reconciliation agenda and justice reform, in full respect of democratic values, the EU delegation to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva said.

The remarks were made during the General Debate on the oral update of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

“We see the amendment to the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA), approved by the Parliament in March 2022, as a very first step in addressing the longstanding shortcomings in the law,”

In its statement, the delegation said the EU is concerned about reports of unnecessary violence against protestors and the use of the PTA, ending a de facto moratorium, in recent arrests.
With regard to Sri Lanka, the EU underlined the need of upholding the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

Further, it called upon Sri Lanka to strengthen its reform efforts and present concrete results on key issues, particularly a substantive reform of the PTA in full compliance with international standards.

The EU also seeks the release of those long detained under the PTA without charges.

Further, the EU noted that a conducive environment for civil society to function in all its diversity should be ensured, and impunity and instances of discrimination against persons belonging to minorities and de-criminalising same sex relations need to be addressed in Sri Lanka.

The EU encouraged the Sri Lankan government to continue cooperation with the UN Human Rights Council and its mechanisms.