‘Police brutality against kids’ at protest site rapped

The Universal Human Rights Council has urged all international communities to condemn what it termed as a fresh wave of brutality against peaceful protesters in Sri Lanka,

It urged President Ranil Wickremasinghe and the government of Sri Lanka to stop “this unlawful exercise.”

The council is an international human rights Organisation based in Geneva, Switzerland.

The council said it “is deeply concerned about the police brutality which was unleashed by the Sri Lankan police force on infants, children and peaceful protesters at the Galle Face Green protest site in Colombo on Oct. 9.”

It said in a statement that “systematic targeted arrests and violence against its citizens in Sri Lanka must be stopped.”

The UHRC said it “stands in solidarity with all people and organizations across Sri Lanka, who are fighting against the economic and social injustice.”

The statement added: “With the constant rise on numbers of those being arrested under draconian laws, without due process at the hand of those sworn to protect, lays bare what has always been a fact: the institutions in Sri Lanka are built upon misguided power and privilege.

“UHRC has been defending all civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

“Furthermore, the UHRC defends the rights of people worldwide and promotes democratic values and accountability.

“Above all on behalf of the people of Sri Lanka, we call on all international communities to condemn this fresh wave of brutality and hold the Sri Lanka government and law enforcement accountable,” the council said.