Mano Ganesan urges UN role to uplift plantation workers

COLOMBO: Tamil Progressive Alliance (TPA) leader Mano Ganesan MP has requested Senior Human Rights Advisor Juan Fernandez of UN Country Team (UNCT) in Sri Lanka to commence discussions between all stake holders to address repressive conditions amidst the plantation people as slavery workers & Tamil minorities.

Prior to subsequent Tweet, Mano Ganesan in an email requested UN HR Advisor Juan Fernandez, listing the repressive tendencies highlighted in the report submitted to UNHRC by UN Special Rapporteur Tomoya Obokata on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences

Ganesan has complained that plantation people within the HillCountry Tamil Community are being oppressed as slavery workers and minority Tamils.

Ganesan requested Juan Fernandez to commence discussions with political leaderships, trade unions, civil societies, state actors, plantation companies and international agencies on the repressive conditions prevailing in Srilanka’s plantation regions.