Wijeyadasa: “Send more educated scholars to politics’

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe has urged the general public to send more educated scholars to politics amid increasing displeasure over the conduct and policy making of the island nation’s politicians.

The displeasure over policy making has already forced tens of thousands of people to oust one of the most powerful government led by former leader Gotabaya Rajapaksa and ex-prime minister Mahinda Rajapaksa through protests within two month space between May and July this year.

However, people are still grumbling about parliamentarians over corruption, high spending, wastage, and nepotism and say there has been no change in the governance system despite Rajapaksas are ousted.

Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe anybody who has the help of black money can face elections whether he is a drug dealer or an underworld person.

“But there are scholars who has a pain about the country. However, under the current election structure, how can they be able to nominated as public representatives?” Rajapakshe told a press briefing.

The public should be mindful to send educated parliamentarians for politics rather than scolding politicians after they elect them from the elections, he said.

“Generally, the people in the country are bearing the perspective that any government officer or political leader steal a crore or two is not going to affect our economy.”

“Also the people think that it is okay for their party leaders to steal and they will always protect those so-called leaders. But then again if the opposite party steal, those people start rioting.

”The protest were originally started with an aim of changing Sri Lanka’s political and governance system. However, protesters say they are not happy about the current system despite ousting Rajapaksas because all corrupt politicians are still there in the parliament.

“After the protest we see an apparent change – a more independent view point without clinging to any party or colour,” he said.

The Ministry of Justice has presented the Campaign Finance Bill to the parliament. However, it has been challenged in the Supreme Court.

“This is a short act but the effects of it is extremely high. This Act can do a huge change in the social structure and will give a chance to the scholars to enter the parliament,” he said.

“Basically, the bill is about the money expenditure during the election time and the limit the money spends on election, which will promote the equality among the candidates. They are introducing a digitalize system for the new and the existing candidates to declare their assets.”