President: ‘No intention of changing appointments made recently’

COLOMBO: Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has ruled out changes to recent appointments made by him and the government.

The President “emphasizes such appointments have been made after careful scrutiny of loyalty to the nation, qualifications and background of these individuals so that policies of the Government can move forward in a successful manner,” said an announcement from his office.

The Presidential Secretariat also said: “Pressure is being mounted against certain appointments recently made by the President and the Government. All these appointments were made with the utmost consideration of our country’s sovereignty, national security and implementation of ‘Saubhagyaye Dekma’ policy statement.”

The President stressed in the statement that he “has no intention of changing such appointments made after deep thinking or to replace them with different persons in the face of pressure.

“As such, the President politely requests everyone not to pressure him or the Government to change these appointments,” said the statement.

The President “is of the view that expressing opinions against these appointments will not only make the appointees unable to carry out their duties and responsibilities properly, but also will weaken the Government’s process by underestimating them in the society.”