Violent incident at plantations: Mano writes to President

COLOMBO: Mano Ganesan, leader of the Tamil Progressive Alliance, expressed grave concern over a recent violent incident at the Wellandura estate of Kahawatta plantations in Ratnapura.

He highlighted the concern in a letter addressed to President Ranil Wickramasinghe.

The letter detailed an alarming where a group of 10 people, purportedly posing as state security officials in civilian clothing used violence to vandalise the makeshift dwelling of Mr Ramesh Udayakumar, the head of a vulnerable plantation family.

The letter said:

“An army of not less than ten men clad in civil attire projecting themselves as state security officials using sticks violently ransacked a small make shift habitat of Mr. Ramesh Udayakumar, head of a vulnerable plantation family.

“The nation saw such an incident at Matale Ratwatte Estate a month before where assistant manager of the estate ransacked similar habitat.

“Both incidents occurred without any judicial eviction order of Hon. Courts. Hence, the goons have taken the law into their hands. There are many such incidents almost on a daily basis in the plantations managed by state and private enterprises.

Such incidents of barbaric attacks on the plantation community even after 200 years of their arrival in this country is not only appalling but also very shameful for the nation as a whole. The contribution of the plantation sector people for the development of the country can never be underestimated, as it is their blood and sweat which built the nation.

Lately such attacks, what started as isolated incidents are spreading across the plantation area. The UN and other international agencies have time and again pointed out the Indian Origin Tamils in the plantation sector are the most vulnerable in the country.

Such high handedness of the estate managers cannot be and should not be permitted at any cost. A stern action by the state and a change in the policy is much needed.

I appeal to you to bring an immediate halt these occurrences before such goes out of hand towards further breakage of law and order.

I spoke to the district secretary of Ratnapura district. He tells me that his authority doesn’t cut much within the plantations. The pubic administration Minister of plantations Hon. Ramesh Pathirana is an honorable politician who understands the plight of the people.

But he informed me of his difficulties in dealing with the plantation managements during such crises. This is the sad state of affairs.

We request you to change the system that brings the plantations with the national public administration mainstream.

Therefore, your excellency, I very kindly request you to convene an emergency conference of all following stakeholders.

I propose we shall decide on a moratorium of managements interfering in the livelihood of the plantation residents other than matters linked to their employment.

I propose the following state holders at the conference

1) Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena Prime Minister and Minister of public administration

2) Hon. Ramesh Pathirana Minister of Plantations

3) Hon. Tiran Ales Minister of Law and Order

4) Honorable MPS. V. Radhakrishnan, Palani Thigambaram, M. Velukumar, M. Uthayakumar of the TPA

5) Honorable Minister Jeewan Thondaman MP, K. Rameshwaran MP of the CWC

6) Honorable Minister Arvinda Kumar MP

7) Hon MP Suresh Vadivelu of SJB

(Above are MPs who directly represent this community. There are other MPs who too obtained franchise from the 12 districts where plantations are located.)

8) District secretaries of Colombo, Kalutara, Kegalle, Ratnapura, NuwaraEliya, Kandy, Matale, Badulla, Monaragala, Galle, Matara and Kurunagala.

9) The IGP

10)All the CEO of the 22 RPCs

11)CEOs of the subleased Plantation management companies 12)Chairpersons of 03 state owned plantation enterprises

13)Civil Society members working amidst plantation community I appreciate your time and consideration in this matter.