Wijeyadasa hopes to win presidential election

Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe states that the leadership issue of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) will be resolved after he wins the Presidential Election.

Speaking to the media in Kandy, Minister Rajapakshe expressed that all the court cases against him will automatically be dismissed as per the Constitution once he becomes the President.

In response to a question raised by a journalist regarding the upcoming Presidential Election, the Minister said: “Yes, I will run for the presidency, and I will win. After that, all the court cases against me will automatically be dismissed as per the Constitution. Then, there will be no issues about the party’s leadership.”

He said he would contest for the upcoming Presidential Election under a new symbol.

“The SLFP has contested elections with different symbols [other than the hand symbol]… the chair, the betel leaf symbol, swan… Then, the symbols of the last decade will not match for this election. We are introducing a new symbol”, he added.