Digital equipment to schools in Southern Province

Ranil Wickremesinghe, President of Sri Lanka, and Santosh Jha, High Commissioner of India to Sri Lanka, handed over digital equipment to several schools in Southern Province at an event in Galle.

The event was attended by various dignitaries, including Hon. (Dr.) Susil Premajayantha, Minister of Education and Hon. (Dr.) Ramesh Pathirana, Minister of Health.

These digital equipment were distributed under a grant assistance project by the Government of India (GoI) to establish 200 Smart Classrooms in Southern Province.

The project aims to equip 200 schools in the province with the necessary digital tools to enable them to benefit from digital resources and materials across the globe.

President Wickremesinghe thanked GoI and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for their multi-pronged support of Sri Lanka in education.

4. High Commissioner Santosh Jha underlined that India has witnessed major technological advancements in education in recent years.

Further, GoI is committed to the benefits of such advancements to the students and teachers in Sri Lanka.

He noted that GoI carries out several human-centric projects in Southern Province and specifically mentioned that more than 1300 houses are currently being constructed by GoI for homeless families in the three Districts of the Province.

The establishment of smart classrooms in the Southern Province is being implemented under the framework of the bilateral High Impact Community Development Project. 18 grant projects cutting across sectors are being carried out under this framework in all 25 Districts of Sri Lanka.

The value of these projects stands at around LKR5.5 billion.