Jaffna: Investment promotion drive, food security focus of key talks

Jaffna MP Angajan Ramanathan has held a series of meetings with key officials in the peninsula as he steps up efforts to promote private investments in northern Sri Lanka.

“A meeting on investment promotion was held in order to promote private investments within the region, and by extension to provide skilled and unskilled employment opportunities,” the MP (@AngajanR) announced in a Twitter post.

“Unemployment in the Jaffna District stands at 6.7 percent as opposed to the national figure of 4.4 percent,” the MP added.

He earlier presided over a meeting to discuss ways to boost food security in the Jaffna District.

“Mechanisms to ensure that all people, at all times have access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food, while alleviating poverty were discussed,” the MP said in another Tweet.