Amnesty International urges impartial investigation into prison unrest

COLOMBO: An international human rights group has asked Sri Lanka to conduct an impartial investigation into prison unrest and the use of live ammunition by guards that resulted in the death of 11 inmates and injuries to more than 100 others.

According to The Associated Press, Amnesty International said authorities should examine the underlying causes of the unrest at Mahara prison, which began Sunday evening

Three inmates died in hospitals on Tuesday, bringing the death toll to 11.

The incident “reflects the anxiety among prisoners about the threat of COVID-19 within severely overcrowded prisons and the inadequate measures in place to protect them,” said David Griffiths, director of the Office of the Secretary General at Amnesty International.

“There is already a swelling number of inmates across the country who have tested positive for COVID-19,” he said in a statement.

Police said the unrest at Mahara prison in Western Province turned into a riot when the inmates allegedly tried to take control of the prison and many tried to escape.

Prison offices and property were damaged in the melee, police said.

According to The Associated Press, Amnesty International also asked authorities to consider alternatives to custody, such as parole or early release, especially of detainees who do not pose a significant threat to the public, in order to ease the congestion.

It also asked that prisoners be provided the same standard of healthcare that is available in the community, including prevention, testing and treatment for COVID-19.