Sri Lankan authorities reopen island’s main fish market

COLOMBO: Sri Lankan authorities have reopened the island’s main fish market, which had been closed for two months, according to The Associated Press.

The Central Fish Market, located on the outskirts of the capital, Colombo, was closed in October after 49 traders there tested positive for the coronavirus.

Fish sales dropped sharply after the outbreak at the market spread across the island nation, according to The Associated Press.

The number of cases centered at the fish market has risen to 26,774.

While the fish market resumed operations on Wednesday, authorities said it would be limited to wholesale trade.

Sri Lanka has seen a fresh outbreak of the virus since October when two clusters — one centered at a garment factory and the other at the fish market — emerged in Colombo and its suburbs.

Another cluster surfaced at crowded prisons last month.

So far, there have been more than 30,000 confirmed cases from the three clusters.

Sri Lanka has reported more than 34,10o cases, with the death toll exceeding 150.