COVID-19: Vaccine safety top priority, WHO’s chief scientist says

Safety of a prospective COVID-19 vaccine comes “first and foremost,” the World Health Organization’s chief scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan said.

“Just because we talk about speed … it doesn’t mean we start compromising or cutting corners on what would normally be assessed,” she said in a social media event, according to Reuters.

The scientist’s remarks came as a trial of a leading candidate from AstraZeneca was paused due to concerns over side effects.

Rollout of an effective vaccine is seen as a crucial step in helping battered economies recover from the coronavirus pandemic.

“The process still has to follow through rules of the game. For drugs and vaccines which are given to people, you have to test their safety, first and foremost,” she said in the Reuters report.

WHO officials did not immediately respond directly to questions from Reuters over the move by AstraZeneca to pause global trials, including large late-stage trials, of its experimental coronavirus vaccine due to an unexplained illness in a study participant.