Pope Francis urges Biden to promote ‘reconciliation and peace’ around the world.

World leaders said they were looking forward to working with Joe Biden, as the Democrat was sworn in as US president after four turbulent years under Donald Trump, AFP reported.

Pope Francis urged Biden to promote “reconciliation and peace” around the world, according to AFP.

“At a time when the grave crises facing our human family call for far-sighted and united responses, I pray that your decisions will be guided by a concern for building a society marked by authentic justice and freedom,” the pope said.

Charles Michel, president of the European Council, tweeted congratulations to both Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, adding: “It’s time to bring back conviction & common sense and rejuvenate our EU-US relationship.”

According to AFP, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said: “Europe is ready for a fresh start.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged Biden to “strengthen,” a long-standing alliance between the two countries, AFP reported.

“I look forward to working with you to further strengthen the US-Israel alliance, to continue expanding peace between Israel and the Arab world and to confront common challenges, chief among them the threat posed by Iran,” Netanyahu said in a video.

“The bond between North America and Europe is the bedrock of our security, and a strong NATO is good for both North America and Europe,” said NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg.

“NATO Allies need to stand together to address the security consequences of the rise of China, the threat of terrorism, including in Afghanistan and Iraq, and a more assertive Russia.”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russia would seek “good relations with the United States,” while a Foreign Ministry statement said they expected a “more constructive” approach to upcoming arms control talks.