SJB Youth Movement Lodges Police Complaint Against Udayanga Weeratunga’s Ukrainian Tourism Project


The Samagi Jana Balawegaya youth movement today lodged a complaint with the Police headquarters against former Sri Lankan Ambassador to Russia Udayanga Weeratunga over the Ukrainian tourism project.

In a written complaint submitted to IGP Chandana Wickramaratne, SJB MP and Samagi Tharuna Balawegaya Chairman Mayantha Dissanayake said certain photographs circulating online had indicated that the Ukrainian tourists facilitated by Weeratunga had acted in violation of Sri Lanka’s archeological laws and quarantine regulations.

MP Dissanayake visited the Police Headquarters this morning with SJB Youth Wing Propaganda Secretary Rasika Jayakody and Attorney at Law Madhawa Jayawardena.

Weeratunga and a group of Ukrainian tourists were seen posing for a photograph near the famous Sigiriya frescoes violating a ban imposed by the Central Cultural Fund in 2015. The CCF prohibited tourists from taking pictures at the site as flash lights could cause damage to the historic frescoes.

The police complaint said Weeratunga and tourists had violated the Archeological Act by violating the ban. Citing multiple media reports published recently, the SJB youth movement requested the IGP to probe whether the Ukrainian tourists had violated the quarantine regulations and safety guidelines gazetted by the government.