Angela Merkel ‘panics’ after forgetting mask, netizens say ‘have been there’

Angela Merkel has called for Germans to be “extremely cautious” and warned of the “dangers” of the new Covis-19 variants. But it was a moment after her speech in parliament that resonated with many online.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in a viral video, was seen alarmed after forgetting her mask in the country’s parliament, the Bundestag, in Berlin earlier this week. The video captures Merkel, who had risen to address lawmakers on the government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic, rushing back to the podium to retrieve her mask, a look of panic on her face.

As she got back her face cover, Merkel was seen trying to hold back laughter while putting it on. The incident was not just relatable to her colleagues in parliament, but to people worldwide. The video, which was shared by Reuters news agency, got several people talking online. Watch it here: