Sri Lanka says UN human rights chief’s 20A comments ‘unwarranted’

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka has responded to the references made by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to Sri Lanka in the ‘Global Human Rights Update’ on Sept. 14, 2020.

The government “is of the view that High Commissioner’s comments on the proposed 20th Amendment are unwarranted and pre-judgmental, based on presumption,” read a statement by Sri Lanka during the General Debate under Agenda Item 2 at the 45th Session of the UN Human Rights Council.

The draft 20th Amendment to the Constitution submitted through the Parliament “will be discussed, debated, following a complete democratic process, where all stakeholders will have the opportunity to present their views,” the statement added.

“We hope that this Council would appreciate that Sri Lanka while successfully containing the spread of COVID-19 through a balanced, multi-sectoral approach, and despite this challenge, held its commitment to the democratic processes, and conducted Parliamentary elections successfully and peacefully, last month, which the EU has acknowledged,” it added.

The statement also said: “In the absence of any substantive proof, Sri Lanka considers that the continued arbitrary accusations on crimes or crimes against humanity made against these senior military officials are unacceptable and a violation of the principles of natural justice.”