Funds allocated to activate Office on Missing Persons, minister says

COLOMBO: Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena said that the allegations of human rights abuses in Sri Lanka by several countries including the UK, Canada and Germany is an action taken for political purposes, by concealing the truth.

A vote is scheduled to be held on Monday, on the allegations made by several countries against Sri Lanka, at the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva.

Responding to a question raised by journalists at the Foreign Ministry in this regard, the minister pointed out that it is not the responsibility of an internationally recognized Human Rights Council to accuse or take a vote on the internal affairs of Sri Lanka.

“Over the years, various allegations have been leveled against our country, alleging human rights abuses. We have been cautious about this.

After our government was elected, a Presidential Commission was appointed to investigate human rights allegations. Funds have been allocated from the budget to activate the Office on Missing Persons.

While the present Government was taking a number of such positive steps, it was not fair to ignore it and accuse us repeatedly in various ways at the Human Rights Council in Geneva” the Minister said.

“We try to defeat the false accusations leveled against us. Many friendly countries have joined hands with us in this.