Israel’s opposition leader Lapid to form govt

Israel’s opposition leader Yair Lapid told the president he had rallied the votes needed to form a coalition government to oust that of veteran Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Lapid informed the president of the state of Israel … that he has succeeded in forming a government,” his party said in a statement.

Netanyahu’s opponents announced they have reached a deal to form a new governing coalition, paving the way for the ouster of the longtime Israeli leader.

The dramatic announcement by opposition leader Lapid and his main coalition partner, Naftali Bennett, came moments before a midnight deadline and prevented the country from plunging into what would have been its fifth consecutive election in just over two years.

In a statement on Twitter, Lapid said he had informed the country’s president of the deal. “This government will work for all the citizens of Israel, those that voted for it and those that didn’t. It will do everything to unite Israeli society,” he said.

Under the agreement, Lapid and Bennett will split the job of prime minister in a rotation. Bennett will serve the first two years, while Lapid is to serve the final two years.