A special colour coded sticker has been introduced for all vehicles from tomorrow

A special colour coded sticker has been introduced for all vehicles transporting personnel attached to essential services.

Police will be pasting these stickers at 52 entry points to Colombo City starting from tomorrow (07) and the stickers will apply for the entire duration of the travel restriction, which at the moment is announced as June 14.

Valid documentation must be produced by those traveling for essential services.

The colours will be as follows :
Health Services (Green)

Military & Police (Blue)

Essential Goods Distribution (Red)

Essential Service Providers (Yellow)

Public Sector (Pink)

Import & Export Sector (Brown)

Cooked Meal Providers (Gray)

Private Sector Banks/ Finance (Purple)

Media & Communication (Orange)

Hospitalization, Funerals & related (Black)

Traveling overseas (White)