Minister Keheliya comments on European Parliamentary Resolution row

COLOMBO: The Constitution is the right of the citizens of Sri Lanka and the sovereignty lies within the people of Sri Lanka and not anybody else, co-Cabinet spokesman Mass Media Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said.

He made this observation expressing his personal view in response to a question by a journalist at the Cabinet media briefing, about his personal view on the recent European Parliamentary Resolution on the country.

The Resolution adopted by the European Parliament on June 10 called for the repeal of the Prevention of Terrorism Act and invited the EU Commission to consider temporarily withdrawing Sri Lanka’s access to the Generalized Scheme of Preferences Plus (GSP+) concession.

The minister said that the European Parliamentary Resolution on Sri Lanka requesting the EU Commission for a temporary withdrawal of the GSP Plus status is purely a total manipulation by an interested party.

“As far as the GSP Plus is concerned if it is related to the subject matter I can understand and I will say yes. If they are talking about child labor, garment products, labor laws, there is a justification for that,” he said.

But, the minister pointed out that he does not perceive any justification for an international organization — a separate entity to bring in rules and regulations requesting Sri Lanka to change its Constitution, which is the right of the citizens of Sri Lanka.

He added that the Foreign Ministry of Sri Lanka will deal with this matter while highlighting the rights of the citizens and the sovereignty of Sri Lanka.