Keheliya: ‘Suspending licenses of media institutions is false story’

COLOMBO: Media moguls cannot be allowed to step out of Sri Lanka’s legal framework and abuse media freedom, said Media Minister Keheliya Rambukwella

Minister Rambukwella, who is also co-Cabinet spokesman, said he will not hesitate to take legal action against such people under the existing legal framework as the media minister.

The minister stressed that no one can expect irresponsible freedom of the wild ass for the media.

“There should be no confusion between freedom and law and order and therefore everything must function within the legal framework,” he asserted.

Minister Rambukwella also stated that the government had not taken decision to suspend the broadcasting license of any private media institution.

“Suspending licenses of media institutions is a false story,” said Minister Rambukwella.

“If a certain media institution is acting surpassing the legal boundaries, we will take action within the available legal framework,” he said.

“If any TV or radio channel or newspaper deviates from the legal framework, the government has a responsibility to uphold the rule of law,” said the minister.

Media freedom must be subject to the basic framework of the country, he asserted.

“There will be no hesitation for taking appropriate action within the legal framework. As the media minister, I am responsible for investigating any wrongdoing within the legal framework,” he added.