Sri lanka president’s decision on coal power plant welcomed

COLOMBO: The diocese of Chilaw including the clergy, religious and laity has appreciated the President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s decision on not allowing to expand the Lakvijaya coal power plant in Norachcholai.

“It is indeed a very timely and a valuable decision. It has always been our view that coal power is rejected in many parts of the world because of the damage it causes to the environment including human life,” said a statement.

As it is informed, the CEB has planned the expansion of Norachcholai Power Plant by way of further 600 MW.

The first phase is supposed to be a 300 MW expansion.

We are pleased about the decision of the president.

“This decision goes well in line with the vision for the country that the government has expressed to have 80 percent of the energy generation with renewable resources by 2030.

“Sri Lanka being a country with a tropical climate, should maximize the use of wind and solar power as it is already reiterated by the government.

“The country is blessed with the water resources which contributes substantially to the grid already by way of hydro-power.

“We are a developing country and the need of the hour is a sustainable development.

“It is not enough to talk about it. We need to walk the talk in building up a ‘Green Economy.’

“We need to think about tomorrow and the future generations.

“There is no point in developing a country where people cannot live because of pollution. Life comes first and then the development,” said the statement.