Imran Khan dismisses allegations of rigged elections

Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has accused the country’s powerful military of political interference.

According to The Associated Press, Sharif said in a televised speech from exile in London that the military had rigged the 2018 vote that brought the country’s current prime minister to power.

“I will never reconcile with those who violate the constitution by indulging in politics,” Sharif said,.

He listing off ways he said the 2018 was rigged to bring Prime Minister Imran Khan to power.

He said interfering in politics in uniform amounts to treason under the country’s constitution.

His allegations sparked an angry response from Khan, who in his own televised remarks Thursday said Sharif was “playing a very dangerous game” by humiliating the military and intelligence services.

He dismissed the allegations of rigged elections as baseless, according to the news agency.