12,729,601 people ‘have received at least 1 dose of vaccine’

COLOMBO: Health authorities said more than 80 per cent of the above 30 population has received the first dose of the COVID vaccine and 60 per cent of the entire population has received at least a single dose of a vaccine and 40 percent of the entire population have been fully vaccinated.

Sri Lanka has administered a total number of 21,908,847 doses of COVID-19 vaccines by Sept. 6.

Accordingly, a total of 12,729,601 people have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and 9,179,246 people have completed the full vaccination.

Deputy Director-General of Health Services Dr. Hemantha Herath said that the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine has been given to 1,401,732 individuals and the second dose of the same vaccine has been given to 887,430 persons.

The first dose of the Sinopharm vaccine has been given to 10,021,318 people and the second dose has been administered to 7,352,699 individuals.

A total of 159,088 individuals have received the first dose of the Russia-made Sputnik V vaccine and the second dose has been administered to 41,749 persons.

Responding to a question by a journalist, Dr. Herath said that it is difficult to vaccinate the entire above 60 population due to various reasons and will take all possible efforts to vaccinate the majority.