UK official in key Jaffna talks with Governor Thiagarajah 

COLOMBO: Lord (Tariq) Ahmad of Wimbledon, the UK Minister of State Foreign Commonwealth & Development Affairs (Central & South Asia, Commonwealth, UN, Human Rights) who is in Sri Lanka on a three-day visit, has toured the northern and eastern parts of the island on Wednesday.

During the visit, Lord Ahmad has had insightful discussions with Gov. Jeevan Thiagarajah on the plans for the Northern Province, his priorities and the need for justice and accountability, and Gov. Anuradha Yahampath on the government’s priorities to address key concerns and livelihoods, access to justice and integrated community relations in the Eastern Province.

Lord Ahmad also visited and paid respect to the ancient Hindu temple Thirukoneswaram while touring Trincomalee.

Further, he met with UN Development Programme (UNDP) Sri Lanka to discuss the UK funding providing income-generating opportunities for the Tamil community Santhai Village.

In a series of Twitter updates about his three-day stay in Sri Lanka, Lord Ahmad also stated that he has had an insightful discussion with Council for Business with Britain (CBB) representing UK companies operating in the market and listened to current economic impacts, and thoughts on improving trade between the UK and Sri Lanka.

Lord Ahmad discussed efforts to support Sri Lanka’s development initiatives with the UN Resident Coordinator Hanaa Singer.

“We also discussed justice & reconciliation, the protection of human rights, climate initiatives, and improving access to healthcare,” he said in a tweet.

Further, the UK and Sri Lanka have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on healthcare cooperation, which is expected to improve best practice and expertise on healthcare and develop an ethical and sustainable recruitment programme for the employment of Sri Lankan healthcare professionals in the UK.

It was inked by the State Minister of Foreign Employment Promotion and Market Diversification Piyankara Jayaratne and Secretary, Ministry of Health Dr. S. H. Munasinghe from the Government of Sri Lanka, and Lord Ahmad on behalf of the UK Government.

He also visited the Bellanwila-Attidiya Sanctuary, a wetland rich in bio-diversity within the Colombo Metropolitan area, where he planted a Kumbuk (Terminalia arjuna) plant.

In the meantime, he met with civil society representatives and religious leaders, including the Ahmadiyya Community to discuss human rights, wider concerns of the Muslim community and expectations of the HRC process.

Further, he discussed a broad range of issues, including cooperation on environmental issues, and human rights with a focus on reconciliation and justice with Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris.

Minister Peiris has highlighted the ‘unique, multifaceted partnership’ enjoyed by Sri Lanka and the United Kingdom, founded upon shared democratic traditions and historical affinities.

Reciprocating the sentiments, Lord Ahmad has acknowledged the abiding nature of the partnership which offers impetus for cooperation.

Acknowledging the opportunity to deepen bilateral ties in the context of the UK’s vision of a ‘Global Britain’, the two sides expressed interest in furthering cooperation, inter alia, in political relations; trade, investment and tourism; Indian Ocean cooperation, defence and counter-terrorism; climate change and renewable energy; education and STEM; and employment generation.

Minister Peiris has recalled his bilateral meeting with British Foreign Secretary Elizabeth Truss in October 2021 in London where matters of mutual interest were discussed.

Both sides underscored the importance of initiating official level consultations between the two Foreign Ministries. Given the strength of people-to-people connections, discussions also centred on the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the independence of Sri Lanka in a manner befitting the current partnership.