Web journalist Desmond Chathuranga de Alwis remanded until Sept. 14

Colombo Additional Magistrate Lochana Abhayawickrama today (01) ordered to remand web journalist – Desmond Chathuranga de Alwis, until Sept. 14.

Mr. de Alwis was arrested by the CID cyber crimes division yesterday for allegedly publishing reports which obstruct judicial proceedings.

The CID cyber crimes division informed the court that Mr. de Alwis had published news on the website – ‘Lanka News Web ‘ (lankanewsweb.org) which indicated that justices Kumudini Wickramasinghe, Devika Tennakoon and Nawaz had solicited bribes. The CID stated his conduct was an action which constituted contempt of court.

He was arrested according to a complaint filed with the CID cyber crimes division by the Bar Association of Sri Lanka.

Appearing on behalf of the defence, Shiral Lakthilake P.C. told the court that Mr. de Alwis had received the relevant information via an email which he had not published.

He added that Mr. de Alwis had published the information on the aforementioned website, of which he was a web administrator.